Economy / Media Gallery / Research | July 8, 2021 WATCH: CEC’s Mark Milke on how Canadian immigrants thrive working in oil and gas
Economy / Environment | April 15, 2021 Open letter to NY pension fund: Divesting from oil sands doesn’t support ESG goals
Media Gallery | March 24, 2021 LISTEN: Stephen Buffalo of the Indian Resource Council talks Jane Fonda and misinformation
Media Gallery | March 18, 2021 LISTEN: CEC’s Tom Olsen talks Bigfoot Family and misinformation about oil and gas
Research | January 12, 2021 WATCH: CEC’s Mark Milke on how Canada’s oil and gas exports are a critical economic driver
Economy / Research | November 20, 2020 LISTEN: CEC’s Mark Milke on the dependency of G20 democracies on tyranny oil and gas
Community / Economy | October 22, 2020 LISTEN: CEC’s Gregory John on how First Nations benefit from oil and gas development
Economy / Research | October 21, 2020 LISTEN: CEC’s Mark Milke on how Ontario benefits from oil and gas