How Canada benefits from reliable, affordable natural gas

New campaign looks to start a conversation with Canadians about the future

By CEC Staff
Photo courtesy Canadian Gas Association

In an effort to improve Canadians’ understanding of natural gas and the 570,000 kilometers of pipelines that reliably delivers it to homes, businesses and industries, the Canadian Gas Association launched a new campaign called Fuelling Canada.

The importance of natural gas and energy security has taken on new urgency as Europe, already in an energy affordability crisis, now faces energy supply challenges as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues.  

Canada’s response to date has been firm, including a ban on Russian oil imports. Canadian natural gas can be part of the long-term solution, says Timothy Egan, CEO of the Canadian Gas Association.   

“As we continue to examine our response measures, Canada should embrace and firmly commit to the future of its vast natural gas industry as a solution to the European reliance on Russian natural gas,” Egan says.  

The domestic story on natural gas in Canada is a remarkable one, with over 20 million Canadians using the fuel every day, Egan says. But there remains a gap in the understanding of just how critical this energy source is for the country.  

Natural gas is the largest source of energy for the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors of Canada’s economy. A foundational fuel, it meets 38 per cent of Canada’s energy needs, double that of electricity at 19 per cent, according to the Canada Energy Regulator.  

“Canadian natural gas has provided energy incredibly reliably to millions of homes and businesses for over a century,” Egan says. “Fuelling Canada details that history and looks to the future of the industry in Canada.”  

The campaign – which can be found at or on Twitter at @fuellingcanada – draws from the perspectives of Canadians from coast-to-coast, including furnace manufacturers in Quebec, home builders in Ontario, and emissions-reducing technology innovators in Vancouver and Calgary.  

“We want more people realizing what the opportunity is, how natural gas is so essential to us now and what it could be. We think that if we can change that understanding, we can continue to build a better Canadian society and grow the Canadian economy,” Egan says. 

In many ways Fuelling Canada is giving a voice to those who have gone unheard in the discussion around Canada’s energy future. For example, Doug Tarry Homes in St. Thomas, Ontario incorporates natural gas in high performance new home builds because of the affordability, reliability, and comfort the fuel provides.  

Dettson, an appliance manufacturer in Sherbrooke, Quebec, manufactures modern compact gas furnaces which pair with an electric heat pump to improve environmental performance and affordability according to Philippe Verhas, Dettson’s director of research and development.   

“Natural gas is the most beneficial way to heat Canadian homes when the temperature drops,” he says.  

The Canadian Gas Association is using the Fuelling Canada campaign to reach out to Canadians, with the goal of starting a conversation.   

“We want to know what is on the minds of Canadians and how we can help answer their questions about the industry, where we are going and how we can continue to meet their energy needs,” says Paul Cheliak, Vice-President of Strategy and Delivery with the Canadian Gas Association. 

“Fuelling Canada makes it clear that we are home to some of the brightest minds in the energy field – from coast to coast. This, combined with our world class resource and infrastructure, positions us for long term success, both at home and abroad. The question now is, will Canada embrace its natural gas advantage when the world needs us most?” 

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