Commentary: Government COVID relief well closure funds are not a subsidy to oil producers
For an industry in survival mode, all non-essential spending had been cancelled before Ottawa’s cash was announced
For an industry in survival mode, all non-essential spending had been cancelled before Ottawa’s cash was announced
Running the honest numbers about a decades-long pricing premium
While opponents bash Canada’s responsible, innovative, world leading energy sector, we’re just getting started on setting the record straight
Overwhelming majority in support of responsible, sustainable development on their lands
'As emissions intensity in the Canadian oil sector continue to decline, the rest of the world will begin to take notice'
'The energy sector is not just about numbers. It’s about people and families and the benefits that accrue to all Canadians'
As Canada looks to rebuild economy battered by COVID-19 pandemic, the energy sector can and will lead the way
Paris commitments will come at a steep cost and existing policies aren't enough to hit the target
Data shows those suggesting widespread Indigenous opposition to energy projects spinning a false narrative
Amid unrealistic calls for a massive energy transition, Canada should focus on the 'art of the possible'