Long awaited oil sands emissions reduction technology going commercial
First large-scale solvent assisted SAGD project to start operations by year end
First large-scale solvent assisted SAGD project to start operations by year end
Canada's oil and gas industry accounted for a third of all environmental protection spending between 2018 and 2020
Alberta Carbon Trunk Line has already removed the equivalent emissions of more than 890,000 vehicles
'Continuing to do CCUS right ensures Canadians will continue to thrive with our economy and climate'
Canada's average CO2 emissions per oil sands barrel has declined by over 32% since 2000
Alberta energy producers expected to spend $730 million this year developing hydrogen, geothermal, lithium and helium resources
Canadians live the way we do because we have one of the most productive, innovative, and responsible energy industries in the world
CEC research shows small businesses are the engine of Canada’s oil and gas industry
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation ownership support surpasses $500 million
‘We can capture emissions and transport and store them permanently in the subsurface’