Healthy oil and gas sector key to Canadian environmental innovation and economic success: Q&A with Jack Mintz
'Oil and gas helps keep our energy costs down and it's very reliable source of energy'
'Oil and gas helps keep our energy costs down and it's very reliable source of energy'
Canadian Indigenous communities see prosperity, economic opportunity by participating in resource projects
Sault Ste. Marie company one of many Ontario businesses directly benefiting from jobs and opportunity provided by Canada's oil and gas industry
Alberta and its main industry helps create billions in GDP and thousands of jobs for Ontario economy
'You take away the oil and gas spending, you don't have 68,000 jobs'
'All politics and economies may be local, but local businesses and jobs are always affected by the money flowing in from elsewhere'
Alberta and its main industry support thousands of jobs and create billions in GDP and markets for Ontario businesses
Alberta company employs largely Indigenous workforce on Canadian pipeline mega-project
'The single largest challenge in addressing Indigenous poverty in Canada is unequal access to capital and the economy'
Billions in revenue have flowed into federal coffers thanks to Albertans and their chief industry