Partner content: Securing Canada’s energy future through an advanced workforce
Low-carbon solutions require advanced skill sets
Low-carbon solutions require advanced skill sets
‘The whole world needs LNG. This project and others like it are critical for energy security in Asia and around much of the rest of the world’
Canadians live the way we do because we have one of the most productive, innovative, and responsible energy industries in the world
'Energy forms and sources are a complex mix, and one doesn’t need to be at the expense of another'
Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation ownership support surpasses $500 million
‘It’s our best chance to build prosperity and a positive future for our people’
‘It certainly showed me that I’m capable of doing more than I realized’
Assessing the impact of the carbon tax on business costs in various industries in Ontario
Government can work with allies and customers to receive credit for LNG’s environmental benefits, advocate says
Despite vast responsibly produced natural gas resources, Canada’s LNG future uncertain due to challenges getting projects built